Contact and Support for Etna Excursions
Before calling us because it seems like the quickest and easiest option, please take 20 seconds to read the information below and consider using other contact channels for more detailed and precise information.
Feel free to reach out via WHATSAPP or EMAIL in any language you prefer, and we will do our best to answer your questions.
Due to the high volume of traffic our site receives, we would like to inform you that our phone number is reserved primarily for emergencies and urgent situations. Our Volcanological Guides are certified, highly qualified professionals trained to manage the risks associated with excursions on Etna’s craters and are also available for possible rescue operations on Mount Etna.
However, our phone support staff does not possess the same technical expertise as our guides and may not be able to answer all detailed inquiries.
For any information regarding excursions, we encourage you to contact us via WhatsApp or email. We will gladly provide you with all the necessary information, including photos, videos, and links, to best respond to your inquiries.
All excursions are available in Italian, English, and French.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Etna Nord Volcanological Guides Cooperative